Healing Energy Sickness



Healing Energy Sickness

by Danielle Searancke

The term ‘energy sickness’ came into my awareness early in my development journey. One evening, I was listening to a meditation track when I felt an intense pressure on the top of my head: my crown chakra. It was a really intense experience that lasted for about five minutes. I actually took myself out of it because it was physically uncomfortable. I had a reading the next day, and in the following few days, I would experience what felt like the flu. Nothing I tried helped with my symptoms, and it wasn’t until I received advice from an elder that I was able to feel better.



Healing Energy Sickness

by Danielle Searancke

How Energy Sickness Can Happen

The day after my intense meditation experience, I had a practice reading with a local woman whom I knew only a little. To this day, it is one of the most precise and interesting readings of my life. I knew everything - some things I said to her came true two years later. Looking back, I can now see that the intense experience I'd had the night before was a download. As my first download experience, it was a little alarming. They are definitely much less severe now, but it was like Spirit was saying, "Hey, wake up!" 

The information was so evident during the reading that I just kept going and going. The sitter kept asking questions, and I didn't have my spiritual boundaries set yet. I read for her for about 90 minutes, and when I left, I felt sick. 

What Energy Sickness Can Feel Like

Immediately after the reading, I needed to eat to ground myself and then went home and straight to bed. It felt like I had the flu. I had a headache, was sweating, and was nauseated. The following day, I had to go to work. I tried taking Advil, but it wouldn't touch the symptoms. I felt sick for three days. 

How to Treat Energy Sickness

Luckily, I had the opportunity to meet one of my elders and tell him about my channelling and how sick I felt afterwards. He immediately understood. He told me that he channels his ancestors and has experienced energy sickness. 

He advised me to find a cedar tree and brush myself with its branches while saying a prayer and offering some tobacco as a thank you to Mother Earth. He also advised that it's important to thank the cedar tree for taking away all the sickness and absorbing that energy.

After two-and-a-half days of trying to ground with painkillers, heavy and dense foods, and everything else I couldn't think of, I went and found a cedar tree. I wrapped myself in the branches and followed my elder's advice. I walked away from that cedar tree completely rejuvenated - I felt like a whole new person.

Avoiding Energy Sickness with Boundaries 

The whole experience was a massive part of my development journey. Since then (many, many years ago), I have set firm boundaries in my spiritual work and do my best to avoid energy sickness. 

My boundaries are constantly evolving as I have new experiences, so please keep in mind that this is a living set of guidelines to which I will always be adding. 

  • Be mindful about maintaining your boundaries despite your enthusiasm for your development.

  • Meditate regularly; if you are meditating for the purpose of divine connection, start with only once or twice a week and use your other meditation time to go inwards and tend to yourself.

  • Constantly ground yourself within your practice/offering (if you are offering spiritual services.)

  • Consider working with essential oils like cedarwood and crystals like obsidian for grounding.

  • Consider how much time you put into spiritual development and service work versus how much time you put into yourself.

  • Make time to dance, laugh with friends, and be silly with your kids.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself on your development journey is to examine your boundaries and revisit them often - your boundaries are a sacred tool. Remember that this is essential to your spiritual path and something we all need to discover. 

Even now, should I experience energy sickness - like from a client who is deep in their grief - I return to the advice of my elder. 


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