Indigenous woman Danielle Searancke walks through the forest in Squamish wearing a red dress and holding a red drum

Rematriating Mediumship™:

Restoring Balance Through Feminine Principles with Squamish Medium 

In recent years, there has been a growing movement within Indigenous communities toward rematriation, a term that acknowledges the vital role of women in restoring the balance between humanity and nature. Coined by Dr. Dian Million, rematriation is rooted in Indigenous perspectives on reclamation, recovery, and restoration of feminine principles that have long been sidelined in a patriarchal world. The term speaks to the need to center Indigenous women in leading the efforts to reclaim traditions, cultures, and wisdom that are deeply tied to our Earth, ancestors, and the spiritual realms.

Restoring Feminine Principles

Indigenous teachings recognize that feminine principles are vital for spiritual well-being and societal harmony. In my work as a medium and teacher, I’ve learned that reconnecting to feminine principles involves more than just healing individuals; it’s about healing communities, ecosystems, and future generations. Rematriation in mediumship is not about making women central just for the sake of it. Instead, it is about restoring balance to a practice that has become overly intellectualized, capitalized, and disconnected from its roots in the natural and spiritual worlds.

When we rematriate mediumship, we invite more room for softness, emotional intelligence, and nurturing—qualities often attributed to feminine energy. We incorporate earth-based teachings, reciprocity, and spiritual humility into our practices, moving away from ego-driven motivations. We return to the understanding that mediumship is not solely about messages from the other side; it’s about how those messages foster healing, connection, and balance in our communities.

What Does Rematriation Mean in Mediumship?

As a psychic medium and Indigenous woman, rematriation resonates deeply with my personal and professional journey. In the realm of mediumship, rematriating involves restoring the sacredness of spirit communication through the lens of Indigenous wisdom and feminine energy. For centuries, mediumship practices have often been taught and shaped through patriarchal frameworks, which tend to focus on domination, hierarchy, and intellectual authority. This approach can sometimes overlook the softer, intuitive, and community-centered ways of knowing that come from feminine principles.

Rematriating mediumship means bringing back balance. It honours the nurturing, communal, and intuitive energies that women—particularly Indigenous women—have always carried. It centers on the belief that mediumship is not just an individual gift but a collective responsibility to the community and the land. This principle emphasizes reciprocity, holistic development, and spiritual maturity, all of which are essential in Indigenous ways of knowing.

The Initiation: A Path to WHolistic Mediumship

At Spirit School, I’ve developed The Initiation, a transformative mediumship training program that integrates both Western and Indigenous teachings. The course is a fresh take on my signature Mediumship Foundations program, which has always emphasized the importance of self-awareness, spiritual development, and human healing. In The Initiation, we explore mediumship from a holistic perspective, with an emphasis on experiential learning, storytelling, and community connection.

Each week, students participate in Awareness Circles, live two-hour classes, and practice readings that foster spiritual and personal growth. As part of this journey, we incorporate Indigenous worldviews to enhance the teachings of mediumship. Through this, students learn to develop their gifts in a way that honours reciprocity and emotional intelligence, while also building confidence in their abilities.

This program, like the rematriation of mediumship itself, is about more than just mastering skills. It is a process of returning to balance—both within ourselves and within our relationships with Spirit and the natural world. By the end of the course, students not only enhance their spiritual gifts but also deepen their connection with the land, their communities, and their own emotional intelligence.

A Wholistic Approach to Mediumship

Indigenous Women Leading the Way

As Indigenous women, our role in rematriation is a profound responsibility. Dr. Dian Million, whose work has influenced much of this discourse, reminds us that rematriation is an act of reclamation—of land, culture, and spiritual practices. In my own practice, I see rematriation as a return to the sacredness of the Land, Spirit, and our ancestral connections. This involves recognizing that mediumship is a living tradition that grows and evolves as we heal ourselves, our families, and our communities.

Through my own journey, I have woven Indigenous worldviews and practices into my mediumship work, not as a means of romanticizing or appropriating culture, but as a commitment to restoring what was once lost. This journey has led me to develop teachings around the rematriation of mediumship, where I explore themes such as:

  1. Spiritual Humility: Acknowledging that our gifts come from the Creator and are meant for the collective.

  2. Reciprocity: Giving back to the Land and Spirit as we receive from them.

  3. Emotional Intelligence: Grounding our spiritual work in compassion, empathy, and the understanding of shared emotional experience.

  4. Earth-Based Teachings: Rooting mediumship in the cycles, rhythms, and wisdom of the natural world.

  5. Spiritual Maturity: Cultivating responsibility, balance, and respect in all interactions with the spiritual realm.

Upcoming Book: Rematriating Mediumship

As part of my commitment to this work, I’m excited to announce my upcoming book, Rematriating Mediumship: 11 Indigenous Wisdoms for Spirit Communication. In this book, I explore how Indigenous teachings can guide and inform modern mediumship practices, providing a path for spiritual practitioners to restore balance within themselves and their communities. This book dives deep into the wisdom I’ve learned over my years of experience and highlights how we can rematriate spirit communication by incorporating Indigenous perspectives, cultural safety, and traditional healing practices.

Restoring Balance for Future Generations

Rematriating mediumship is not just a concept—it is a living practice, a way of being in the world that honours the wisdom of our ancestors and the feminine principles that guide us. For Indigenous women like myself, this work is not merely a revival of tradition; it is a path forward, one that restores balance, fosters healing, and invites us all to connect more deeply with Spirit, Earth, and each other.

As we move forward on this journey of rematriation, I am committed to leading in a way that honours the teachings of Dr. Dian Million and the many Indigenous women who have paved the way for the restoration of our spiritual sovereignty.

The Squamish Medium 
Founder of Spirit School