Spirit School Podcast
Hosted by Danielle Searancke
Spirit School Podcast
A podcast for the developing lightworker & spiritual entrepreneur.
Danielle Searancke, the Squamish Medium, holds nothing back as she shares honestly and authentically about the mediumship, spiritual and personal development journey. Committed to speaking about development, while honouring your humanity, Spirit School is a space for people to land who are following their spiritual curiosities and are looking for grounded teachings and topics to enhance the spiritual path.
Listen to Spirit School on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Visionaries Rest and Take Breaks
Today’s topic continues the discussion about rest from the July Spirit Messages. I felt like I needed to do a brief introduction today for my new Spirit School listeners! I'm Danielle Searancke, also known as the Squamish Medium. I am a Swampy Cree First Nations Indigenous woman living in the Cosalish mountain town of Squamish, British Columbia, with my two kids and my incredibly skeptical and supportive husband.
Spirit Messages: July 2022
Thank you for the positive feedback from the June Spirit Messages. I learned last month that there is power in showing up with the vulnerability of my PMDD. Although I’m experiencing it again this month, I knew there was a need for me to be in this space. When I surrendered to Spirit for the June Spirit Messages, they resonated more than ever and I’ve done the same for this month.
Planning to Go All In on Your Spiritual Business: Part Two
This episode is part two of my recent episode Planning to Go All In on Your Spiritual Business. In that episode, I offered tips based on what I would or wouldn’t do again in my transition to a full-time spiritual business. That episode was very popular, and I wanted to share some additional things that I wish I had said.
Business Energetics and Healing with Rae Embrey
I am so excited to have Rae Embrey back on Spirit School! In our previous episode, Rae was talking to us about animal communication and healing. Today, she is here to share about her Business Energetics & Healing sessions and the layers that are involved. Rae is a huge part of my self-care! She and I met in a business mastermind and we have since become good friends. I hire her every month to do energy clearing and energy alignment sessions for myself and my business. Rae is also our guest mentor in the Spirit School Collective this month and I am excited for her to share more in that space!
Spirit Messages: June 2022
This has been one of the most difficult years of my life. We are at the midway point and the first thing Spirit has inspired me to say is that you are doing amazing. Regardless of how things are going, you are doing amazing. Remind yourself that you are doing your very best. Too often, we are aware of what we are doing wrong but rely on external sources for support. If you haven’t listened to the last episode, Good Enough, you can go back to it for more on that as well.
Good Enough
Today’s episode is about the phrase “good enough.” I will be exploring it from a development lens. Even if we are able to feel that the other aspects of our lives exceed what is “good enough” for us, what we offer our clients never feels like it meets that standard. This is a theme that comes up in all of my containers, so I know it’s not just me! The episode is co-created with 25 of my Spirit School Collective members who shared their responses to the phrase.
Evolving Spiritual Beliefs
This episode is from the Spirit School Lecture Series that highlights my live teachings in the areas of mediumship, spiritual and personal development, entrepreneurship and quality of life. Today’s episode about evolving spiritual philosophies is from an IGTV video in February 2022.
Cycles and Schedules - The Birth of Goddess Week
I have been wanting to talk more about spiritual entrepreneurship on the podcast for the past year, but I had a lot of healing and deconditioning to do first before I could do so openly. As I mentioned in the previous episode, there are not a lot of spiritual mentors treating their practice as a business and teaching about that side of it. This episode intertwines my journey with PMDD and how I have structured my business to allow for one week off every month to honour my feminine energy. Your cycles as a lightworker are important and I even have a module for members of the collective that goes more in-depth about why.
The Transition to Charging for Spiritual Services
I haven’t covered this topic on the podcast before now, but my program The Calling is all about how to make the leap into charging for spiritual services as an entrepreneur. I had to teach myself because no one was really talking about it! My first mentor told me that I should not be considering my work as a medium to be a business, which really made the transition to paid readings a difficult one for me. A lot of shame came up around money and spirituality that I've had to walk through.
Inspiration & Worthiness IGTV
In this episode, I share how I surround myself with people who inspire me by embodying the qualities that I admire. What we see as possible helps us to expand and dream bigger. I also talk about how important mindset and self-talk are to your overall health and quality of life. Worthiness is not something we can receive elsewhere, but rather something that we need to claim for ourselves.
Personal Power & Your Dream Life from IGTV
This episode is from the Spirit School Lecture Series that highlights my live teachings in the areas of mediumship, spiritual and personal development, entrepreneurship and quality of life. Today’s episode is about manifesting your dream life and cultivating personal power. It is from a few IGTV videos and I hope it inspires you to call in the schedule and life you love.
Celebrating Historical Black Mediums
In honour of Black History Month, this episode highlights Black mediums in history, Sojourner Truth and Le Cercle Harmonique. Unlike my usual episodes where I riff on an inspiration or idea, I did a lot of research and prepared notes to ensure I was sharing accurate information about these amazing historical mediums.
Boundaries & Embodiment from IGTV
This episode is from the Spirit School Lecture Series that highlights my live teachings in the areas of mediumship, spiritual and personal development, entrepreneurship and quality of life. Today’s episode about creating boundaries and connecting to the wisdom of your body is a compilation of three IGTV videos from the past two years.
Find Your Cosmic Calling with Astrologer Natalie Walstein
I am so excited to introduce you to Natalie Walstein, host of the Cosmic Calling podcast! She was one of my first mentors when I went full-time in my business and I’ve been inspired by her podcast for a long time as well.
My Personal Development Journey
I received the inspiration to share my personal development story in December, but it didn’t feel aligned to release it until now. In this episode, I am sharing my own personal development journey as well as some tips that you can use for your own.
Manifestation Mindset from IGTV
This episode is from the Spirit School Lecture Series that highlights my live teachings in the areas of mediumship, spiritual and personal development, entrepreneurship and quality of life. Today’s episode is a compilation of IGTV clips on the topic of manifestation.
Interview With My Mediumship Mentor Dominic Boag
I am so excited to share this episode of my interview with my mediumship mentor Dominic Boag! I have been working with him for the past year as my mediumship changed after losing my cat Bender and experiencing grief for the first time. I love to watch Dominic demonstrate and enjoy his cadence as I am sure you will as well.
My Journey to Confidence
In this episode, I am sharing my journey to confidence in my personal life and mediumship development journey - as they are inseparable. In my experience, finding confidence is an inside job.
My Journey with Stage Fright + a Chat with Sara Rose of Femme Path
In the first part of this episode, I am sharing my journey with stage fright and how Spirit increases my capacity to hold space as my confidence builds. In the second part, I chat with Sara Rose a long-time client who I challenged to step out of her comfort zone and record a podcast episode with me on the spot! You will love her peaceful, healing voice and energy.
Community Q&A
I love creating episodes for this podcast, but I feel that my best work is in my live teaching energy through my programs, one-on-one mentorship and in the Initiation Circle. I will continue to release episodes only when I am inspired to prioritize quality over consistency.