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New Member Meetup + Membership Walkthrough


Spirit School New Member Meeting

Free for Collective Members (Membership | $150/Month)

1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST

These events are for new members within the last couple of months to encourage connections between members who are navigating the community at the same time. This is also open to members who joined previously, but haven't had the chance to attend live meetings or practice opportunities yet! 

Andrea will do a walkthrough of the membership and answer any questions you may have about the offerings. This meetup will be a mix of information sharing and opportunities to share in small groups!

Intentions for the Meetup

  • Provide an overview of the Spirit School Collective community here on Mighty and the offerings available to you

  • Answering your questions so far!

  • Opportunities to chat with a couple of other new members in small groups about what brought you to the Spirit School Collective, and other light questions!

Membership Walkthrough

  • Chat versus posting - how to start conversations!

  • Community Guidelines

  • The Development Vault

    • How it's organized

    • Tour of the sections

    • Where to start!

  • Events

    • Where to find them

    • How to RSVP and add them to your calendar

    • How to join a Zoom Meeting

    • Where to find Live events in the community

    • Descriptions of regular events

  • Practice Circles + Weekly Partner Pairings

    • Low expectations + Opportunities to connect

    • How the weekly partner pairings work

Interested in this class? It is included as part of the Spirit School Collective monthly membership. Our membership, designed for developing and practicing lightworkers, includes live classes, Q&As, practice pairings, assessments, and more. Learn more about the Collective by clicking below.

September 13

FREE Mediumship Foundations Week: Day 5 - THE MEDIUM’S PATH

September 15

Practice Circle with Sharla