Sacred Spirit Retreat: Days 4 & 5 – Exploring the Higher Chakras & Saying Goodbye

All photos taken by Reannan Shay (unless otherwise noted.)

Day 4 of the Sacred Spirit Retreat was another transformative day as we explored the throat, third eye, and crown chakras. We began with our usual leisurely morning, filled with nutritious and delicious food and engaging conversation. As we gathered in the main room, we were all eager to dig into Danielle's teachings.

The Throat Chakra: Listening and Learning

Danielle began the session with a deep dive into the throat chakra, emphasizing its dual nature – it's as much about listening as it is about speaking. She shared her own experiences of spending time in nature, listening, finding wisdom, and receiving inspiration. Danielle then sent us outside in silence to 'listen' for our own lessons.

Bee in flower at Loon Lake Lodge Retreat Centre
Salmonberries at Loon Lake Lodge Retreat Centre

Many of us found it took around thirty minutes to truly settle into the silence and begin to 'hear' the wisdom of nature around us. But once we did, the insights came through loud and clear. Some participants discovered messages in the form of Greek gods drawn in the sand at the water's edge, others drew wisdom from observing wildlife, and some found profound meaning in the wind rustling through the trees.

A woman sitting on the dock at Loon Lake, contemplating the water
A woman raises her arms to dive into Loon Lake in Maple Ridge

Upon our return, we shared our newfound wisdom in small groups, dedicating time to integrate these lessons into our lives.

The Sacred Tool Swap

Next, we enjoyed one of the retreat's favourite activities – the Sacred Tool Swap. Each guest brought a spiritual tool they were ready to pass along, wrapped and placed on a table. Sitting in a circle, we took turns selecting packages. After everyone had chosen, we went around the circle again, sensing what might be inside the packages and guessing who had brought each gift. The connections made during this event were remarkable, with many accurately identifying the givers and the nature of the gifts. This activity not only brought us new spiritual tools that felt aligned but also filled the room with laughter and joy, per usual.

Activating the Third Eye and Crown Chakras

After a delightful lunch and some free time – allowing introverts to recharge and extroverts to socialize – we reconvened for a session on the third eye and crown chakras. We began with a beautiful tea ceremony featuring blue lotus flower tea, setting a calm tone for the guided visualization led by Danielle. The meditation was expansive and deeply activating, helping us connect with these higher chakras and the profound wisdom they hold.

Sharing and Gratitude

Wrapping up the spiritual teachings of the retreat, we sat in a circle once again to share our experiences and the insights we had gained over the last four days. A common theme emerged as many expressed their deep gratitude for the sense of community and connection they had found with each other.

90s-Themed Spiritual Trivia Night

The retreat seemed to be winding down, but there was one final, exciting event – a 90s-themed spiritual trivia night, complete with costumes! It was a lively and joyous occasion, with bags of Sour Patch Kids being consumed alongside champagne in vintage crystal glasses. The night was a delightful mix of goth clothing, combat boots with floral dresses, and MTV logos, with fierce competition and endless laughter. Spirit School's Andrea McCallum and Payton Scroggins ensured the event was a memorable success, closing the retreat with a bang.

A group of women dressed in 90s attire for trivia
A group of women in 90s attire for trivia night at Loon Lake Lodge
Four women in 90s outfits for 90s trivia night
Two women posing in 90s outfits for 90s trivia night
Two women in 90s outfits for 90s trivia night

Farewell, See You Next Year

On the final morning, we gathered for breakfast, took the last few group photos, and packed our bags. As we prepared to depart for various destinations – some heading to airports, downtown Vancouver, or even Vancouver Island – the sense of camaraderie remained strong. Some participants, not wanting the experience to end, even planned to head to Spirit School in Squamish for a drum-making session with Lydia Williams.

Two women hugging goodbye at Loon Lake Lodge retreat centre
Two guests at the Sacred Spirit Retreat at Loon Lake Lodge
Two women at the Sacred Spirit Retreat in Maple Ridge
Three women posing outside Loon Lake Lodge
A group of women at Loon Lake Lodge retreat centre
Two women hugging in the forest at Loon Lake Lodge

Our time together at Loon Lake Lodge flew by too quickly. As we walked out the door, conversations were already buzzing with plans for next year's retreat. The Sacred Spirit Retreat had not only enriched our spiritual journeys but had also woven a tapestry of cherished memories and lasting friendships once again.

A group shot of all the guests from the Sacred Spirit Retreat at Loon Lake Lodge

Day 3 at the Sacred Spirit Retreat: Confidence and Love